Bygones In Memory of the 50th Anniversary of China’s

Cultural Revolution

The book is an autobiographic memory of the author himself. It is a true display of real facts of his personal experiences, as well as his sees and hears, in the ten years of turmoil in mainland China. It tells many a story of cruel persecutions, grievous violence, and cold-blooded killings. It reminds the people of the painful lessons in history and urges them to adhere to the path to civilization and the rule of law.

Introduction of Book 2

China’s White Cottage Poet Wu Fangji and his Poems

The book tells a moving story of a Chinese young man who was indomitable and hard-working, overcame all kinds of difficulties and hardships, and finally became a well-known Chinese poet in the early half of the 20th century. He had left behind him hundreds of poems, which are so beautiful and touching, that after nearly a century of his death, many people still keep his poems in mind. It reveals the theme as an old idiom suggests: Where there’s a will, there’s a way. It will encourage thousands of aspiring young people to work hard and strive for success.

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